Public Utility Commission of Texas
Phone: 1-888-782-8477 or in Austin 512-936-7120 (TTY
Fax: 1-512-936-7003
Texas No Call(Don't be fooled - 3 bucks for three years; the TCPA requires that a telephone number be placed on a do-not-call list for FIVE years and costs nothing.)
(One other thing - the Texas no call law gives the telemarketer one call. Only on the second call is there any enforcement action or can an indiviuald file a claim for the maximum of $500.00.)
Note: by placing a Texas telephone number on the National Do Not Call list that telephone number is then also on the Texas Do Not Call list.
Texas Attorney General
Main agency switchboard | (512) 463-2100 |
Public Information & Assistance | (800) 252-8011 or (512) 463-2007 (in Austin) |
Consumer Protection Hotline | (800) 621-0508 |
Open Records Hotline | (512) 478-6736 (478-OPEN) |
Phone: 1-888-225-5322
Somewhere near the top of the page provide the following for
routing purposes:
TCPA COMPLAINT - Unsolicted Fax Advertisement, Unsolicited Prerecorded
Solicitation or Repeat Telephone Solicitations After a Do-Not-Call
Phone: 1-877-382-4357